The Long-haul
It’s obvious to anyone treating patients that there has been an influx of Dysautonomia. That’s a big word, and I don’t want to get into the weeds here, but it’s basically the inability of the autonomic nervous system to self regulate properly. It may make me sound smart, but I had no idea what that word meant until I started seeing patients presenting with it in 2021…A LOT of patients. It presents itself in various ways in different individuals. Many diseases such as POTS, Brain/Gut axis disorders such as IBS with anxiety, Vagus nerve disorders such as abdominal pain, reflux, and dysphagia can all be symptoms of Dysautonomia due to Long-Haul COVID or Long post-COVID vaccination syndrome.
Take POTS for example. POTS stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and basically means that when you go from a reclined position to standing you could feel quite dizzy and see your heart rate go into the hundreds. As debilitating as POTS is, I had never seen a patient with that diagnosis nor even heard of it until 2021. Then all of a sudden I was seeing it in new patients every week. Odd, right? I had been in medicine in 2002 and never seen it, nor in 2003 or 4 or 5 or lets skip to 2020, yup still never seen it. What was so special about 2021?
That’s right, we had a a novel new virus, a never used before vaccine technology and a lot of isolation without human contact. What could go wrong? It seems to me that a lot has gone wrong, and many of my patients, young and old alike, are suffering from these diseases, undiagnosed, unsupported, and often unheard.
Please let people know that Chinese Medicine can provide them the explanations, treatments and relief they are seeking. We have been treating post-infectious diseases for thousands of years with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture. The name for these Long-haul syndromes in Chinese Medicine is Gu-syndrome. The NIH looked at the idea of using the principles of Gu Syndrome for the treatent of Long COVID and defined Gu syndrome as: diseases that are recalcitrant, debilitating, present disparate symptoms, are resistant to standard forms of treatment and originate from an external infection. However, part of the syndrome definition notes that there is often a preexisting condition that has enabled the infection to take root.“
That’s what is happening today. People with underlying (undetected) conditions are infected with a strong pathogen at a vulnerable time. Their iimmune system is weakened and the pathogen , unchecked, invades through multi system pathways. It’s a long process to reverse these conditions as often times the patient has had them for years, but with commitment and persistence one can make a full recovery, and maybe even start feeling better right away.